Calgary dentist offers tips to avoid gum disease and infection
Gum infection, also known as “gum” or “periodontal” disease, is a condition that can wreak havoc on the entire oral system, but also on one’s whole body health. Periodontal disease starts in the soft tissues of the gums and can spread, causing destruction to the teeth, their roots, and even the jawbone. Additionally, infections in the oral system can find their way into the bloodstream and become a nuisance to other body systems. With prudent domestic care and regular dental visits, these serious problems can be rectified and better yet, avoided. Drs. DeSanti and Redd of Living Wellness Dental Northland in Calgary believe that preventative biological care is key and offer a variety of tips to avoid gum disease and infection! Where avoidance is not possible, they offer care and treatment to quickly arrest and reverse the impacts of periodontal disease and put clients on a path towards restoration of oral and whole body health.
Tips to avoid gum disease from Calgary dentists
Below are just a few of the main recommendations the team at Living Wellness Dental Northland makes to protect you from developing gum disease:
- Brushing after every meal. Use of a soft-bristled toothbrush an hour or two after every meal will help remove harmful sugars and acids from the surfaces of your teeth. We recommend using toothpaste composed of natural, biocompatible products wherever possible.
- Floss at least once a day. Food stuck between teeth, if left unmanaged, can lead to a breakdown of protective enamel and the development of cavities. Flossing at least once a day is a proactive way to help maintain a healthy smile.
- Use a mouthwash. Taking an extra step each time you brush, such as integrating a biologically-friendly mouthwash, is another way you can protect your smile against periodontal disease.
- Limit repetitive daily snacking. If you require snacks to keep yourself fueled during the day, consider foods that are low in sugar and acid. Vegetables are a fantastic source of energy that represent far less danger to your oral and overall body health. Wait to brush around two hours after your snack so that your enamel has time to recover.
- Make routine visits to your dentist and hygienist. It is highly recommended that patients visit their dentist at minimum once every six months for a hygiene treatment and evaluation. Frequent visits allow for early detection of abnormalities and can often help avoid more aggressive and likely more costly procedures.
- Seek ozone therapy at your dental office. Getting rid of harmful bacteria through receiving an ozone flush at your dental office is a fantastic way to manage your oral microbiome. We integrate ozonated water into every hygiene visit free of charge!
- Call the dentist when problems occur. Don’t wait for a routine visit to tell your dental team about changes in your oral health. Call the office and make an appointment as soon as things change for a thorough evaluation and treatment.
Schedule time to speak to the team at Living Wellness Dental Northland
If you reside in, or visit often the Calgary, AB area, and want to learn ways to maintain your oral health and avoid the development of gum disease and infection, call Living Wellness Dental Northland today! Our practice is located at 208 3604 52nd Avenue NW and can be reached by phone at (587)-329-3588. We are always accepting new (and current) clients and look forward to meeting with you! Find us online at
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